Thursday, July 2, 2015

Video game camp teaches young girls coding

When 11-year-old Vani Subramony grows up, she wants to be an engineer or video game designer.

The Sycamore Middle School student was one of 11 girls who attended Northern Illinois University’s Girls Video Game Camp, a five-day crash course on what goes into making video games.

“I knew a lot about video games, but not how to make them,” Subramony said.

The girl-specific camp has been running for about five years and is intended to empower young girls interested in science, technology, engineering and math fields, camp leader Suzanne Jackiw said.

By Friday, each of the girls had designed, programmed and written the coding for their own three-dimensional virtual world and game using a coding program called Game-Maker: Studio. Now, nearly all of the girls want to pursue a career in technology, camp leader Rebecca Griffith said. Read the story in the daily chronicle.